Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The Revolution

 You say you want a revolution, well you know, we all want to change the world.
 We frogs have been sitting in this pot while the temperature rises, and we are so close to the boiling point that we may not be able to leap out in time. When life has become so important, as to be purchased at the price of slavery to all mankind, you know something has gone terribly wrong. The mask you wear today is a symbol of the blindfold over your eyes, and the ring in your nose.

 You say you want your freedom, well you know, the most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. The revolution starts within, then finishes with all life being honored. It’s allot like love; first you work on yourself, then the rest comes like a storm blowing down societal walls and false constructs. Excuse me while I kiss the sky.

 It might be better to die on your feet fighting for freedom than be a prisoner on your knees all the days of your life. You’re going to die, sooner or later, anyway, no matter if you have spoken out against tyranny or not. Your silence does not protect you. The lies you have been spoon fed all your life will sicken you until you respect fear more than your own words, your own thoughts, and feelings. Speaking out against tyrannical rulers, and injustices is the revolution!

 When the controllers have these wars and expect you to feed your children to the machine, speak out loudly, and don’t participate in them, they are not your wars. When you see genocide happening, speak out loudly. When you see children used and abused and killed, speak out loudly. Make your voice heard. Being silent makes you complicit in their crime. You are not a bystander; this planet is your home and these people are your brothers and sisters.

 The oligarchs have not listen to the  people’s voices for many generations now, and today the voices are much  louder than before, and many more in number. Remember that the problems we have now, were created by governments, so don’t expect the fix to come from within the government, but only by the complete dismantling of them.

We are from the earth and sky where the spirit dwells before or after walking the earth. We are from an omniscient source that exists in all things, and is still a part of us. We are from the gypsy souls, on a journey through life, and death, and life. We are from a spectral cosmos, where the essence of our beings first began its' exodus, and will return to dwell in the light.
We are from the light.
We are the light.

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